Word Stress
What is Word Stress?
In some languages, syllables in each word is pronounced with the exact same stress. However, English is not one of those languages, due to the fact that English has its own rhythm, complete with its own vocal music. This fact means that one part of a certain word is said louder and longer than other parts of the same word, all syllables are not pronounced with the same force or strength. This means that only one syllable is accentuated: English speakers say one syllable very loudly (big, strong), and the other syllables very quietly. So, the syllables that are not stressed are weak, small or quiet. As a consequence fluent speakers of English listen for the stressed syllables, not the weak ones. That's why if you use stress in your speech, you will instantly and automatically improve your pronunciation and your comprehension.
Why is Word Stress important?
Word Stress is a key factor to understand spoken English. Word Stress is something natural in native speakers, they don't even know they use it. However, it is not an optional extra that you can add to the English language, because it is part of the language! It is essential if you want to be understood by a native speaker of English.
Some helpful tips to master Word Stress:
-A word can only have one stress. Although in a very long word you can have a secondary stress, it is always much smaller than the first one.
-Only vowels are stressed, never consonants.
-There are many exceptions to the rules, so use a dictionary to check the word stress of new words. Soon, and as a consequence of that, you will know English well enough to add word stress naturally.
A.- Choose the syllable that receives the primary stress:
1) Production: PROduction, proDUCtion or producTION.
2) Politician: POlitician, poLItician, poliTIcian or politiCIAN.
3) Refuge: REfuge, reFUge or refuGE.
4) China: CHIna or chiNA.
5) Knowledge: KNOWledge, knowLEDge or knowledGE.
6) Surprising: SURprising, surPRIsing or surpriSING.
7) Exchange: EXchange, exCHANge or exchanGE.
8) Assistance: Assistance, asSIStance or assisTANCE.
9) Computer: COMputer, comPUter or compuTER.
10) Dictionary: DICtionary, dicTIONary or dictionARY.
11) Plastic: PLAStic or plasTIC.
12) Television: TElevision, teLEvision, teleVIsion or televiSION.
13) Decide: DEcide, deCIde or deciDE.
14) Understand: UNderstand, unDERstand or underSTAND.
15) Photography: PHOtography, phoTOgraphy, photoGRAphy or photograPHY.
1) Production: PROduction, proDUCtion or producTION.
2) Politician: POlitician, poLItician, poliTIcian or politiCIAN.
3) Refuge: REfuge, reFUge or refuGE.
4) China: CHIna or chiNA.
5) Knowledge: KNOWledge, knowLEDge or knowledGE.
6) Surprising: SURprising, surPRIsing or surpriSING.
7) Exchange: EXchange, exCHANge or exchanGE.
8) Assistance: Assistance, asSIStance or assisTANCE.
9) Computer: COMputer, comPUter or compuTER.
10) Dictionary: DICtionary, dicTIONary or dictionARY.
11) Plastic: PLAStic or plasTIC.
12) Television: TElevision, teLEvision, teleVIsion or televiSION.
13) Decide: DEcide, deCIde or deciDE.
14) Understand: UNderstand, unDERstand or underSTAND.
15) Photography: PHOtography, phoTOgraphy, photoGRAphy or photograPHY.
Sources: English Club
1) proDUCtion.
2) poliTIcian.
3) REfuge.
4) CHIna.
5) KNOWledge.
6) surPRIsing.
7) exCHANge.
8) asSIStance.
9) comPUter.
10) DICtionary.
11) PLAStic.
12) teleVIsion.
13) deCIde.
14) underSTAND.
15) phoTOgraphy.
2) poliTIcian.
3) REfuge.
4) CHIna.
5) KNOWledge.
6) surPRIsing.
7) exCHANge.
8) asSIStance.
9) comPUter.
10) DICtionary.
11) PLAStic.
12) teleVIsion.
13) deCIde.
14) underSTAND.
15) phoTOgraphy.
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